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The East Martello Tower Key West Museum Houses Robert The Doll
This Key West museum is also referred to as Fort Taylor #2 or Fort East Martello Tower Museum and Gardens.
The Fort is located at 3501 S. Roosevelt Blvd, Key West FL, 305-296-3913.
This interesting structure was designed to replicate the fortress-type style commonly found in Italy.
Built with 8 foot thick granite walls, the fort was intended to withstand any onslaught.
However, as the technology of military weaponry advanced, the ability of the East Martello Tower to withstand any attack diminished. Just like her sister fort, as well as Fort Jefferson Dry Tortugas, it was never completed.
Never serving it's intended purpose, it's now one of the more popular Key West museums. This beautifully constructed fort is the last of it's kind standing. It's sheer size, hovering at water's edge, is one of it's most striking features.
Old Key West Fire Bell Outside Old Fort State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory, Dale M. McDonald Collection
This Key West martello museum houses a vast variety of interesting military artifacts and Key West memorabilia. As you stroll through the casements, the displays encompass everything from early American Indians to the swash-buckling days of pirates.
Displays surrounding the rich sponging industry to the profitable cigar manufacturing era transport you back into Key West history. You're taken back to the days when Key West FL was the wealthiest city in the United States and then to when it became the poorest city in the nation.
This martello fort museum also focuses on the spine tingling phenomenon of the many Key West ghosts. It also houses several unusual Key West attractions with Robert the Doll perhaps being one of the most famous and sinister Key West treasures.
Video Courtesy of Courtesy of YouTube and uVuvideo Ghostly Robert the Doll is A Popular Key West Attraction
There are also detailed collections of Key West artists on display. The gardens also have purpose and interest. Here you'll see an 80 year old children's playhouse which provides insight into the life of children in year's long past.
Forts are synonymous with battle which equates to death. This fort saw neither, remaining a virgin fort, just as Fort Zachary Taylor and
Fort Jefferson Dry Tortugas did.
Even though this beautiful old Civil War structure is a bit off the typical Key West beaten path it's worth a visit. This handicap accessible museum is located next to the Key West airport and is one of the Key West museums you should include along with her sister Fort, West Martello museum.
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